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Monday, June 20, 2005

New Article: Balancing Plot and Character

Writing for the, novelist and Colorado State University professor David Milofsky facetiously translates euphemisms bandied around by agents/editors. On his list, "plot-driven" equals "superficial" and "character-driven" means "no story." Unfortunately, Professor Milofsky's tongue-in-cheek glossary is an all-too-true commentary on many manuscripts.

An all-or-nothing approach to plot or characterization produces stories either immediately forgettable or popular among a minuscule audience. A writer is only fooling herself, not readers, if she thinks, I'm writing a plot-driven story. I don't have to learn all that complicated character stuff. Or, I'm writing a character-driven story. My fascinating characters shouldn't be bound by an artificial formula...

Continue reading the new article: "Balancing Plot and Character"

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